1、金融、新媒体或市场营销相关专业优先; 2、英语能作为工作语言,有商务谈判技巧,能出差国内外;负责有关报告、文件的起草、修改、审核、整理各类文书和报告
采购管理、贸易经济、采购供应管理专业 1.本科以上学历,性格开朗活泼,良好的沟通表达能力,抗压能力强 2.能熟练操作使用办公软件。 3.具备市场分析能力,谈判能力和成本意识 4.吃苦耐劳,有良好的团队合作精神
1、本科及以上学历,电子、计算机、通讯、自动化等相关专业; 2、精通单片机、ARM等嵌入式平台的软件开发和硬件电路,熟练掌握嵌入式C语言;熟悉CAN/485/I2C/以太网等常用协议;熟悉嵌入式软件测试流程以及测试方法; 3、熟悉keil或IAR编译软件,能够debug找到软件问题并解决; 4、较强的分析解决问题能力、沟通能力和抗压能力,具备良好的团队协作能力。
1.本科及以上学历,电子、计算机、通讯、自动化等相关专业; 2、能熟练使用各类开发软件(AD、CAD等); 3、有项目管理经验,能根据客户需求组织完成项目开发。 4、具有良好的电力电子,模电,数电电路知识,熟练使用电路图绘制软件; 5、熟知STM32的硬件外设应用设计; 6、熟悉AD软件及各种高速总线、协议、电磁兼容
1. 政策补贴: 人才补贴:人才补贴1-8万元、50-60%工科人才薪酬补助(按各地方政府实际政策享受)。 Subsidies: Talent allowance RMB 10-80k, Subsidy for engineering talents (Subject to the policies of local governments). 2. 基础保障: 五险一金、健康体检:一年一次 Social Security and Housing Fund, Health Check-ups: 1 time per year 3. 员工激励(Employee Incentive Programs): 骨干人员持股计划/股权激励 Key Personnel Shareholder Plan / Stock Incentives 学历资助:员工进入紫金满三年有机会获得学历资助继续深造 Education Support - Employees with over three years of service are eligible for education support 骨干人员无业亲属补贴 Subsidy for unemployed relatives of key personnel 4. 休假报支(Vacation Reimbursement): 法定节假日、带薪年假 Statutory Holiday,Paid Annual Leave 探亲往返路费报销(包含机票、高铁等):国内每年2-4次/人,海外派遣每年最多3次/人,其中包含1次家属反探亲 Reimbursement of round-trip travel expenses for family visits (including airfare, high-speed rail, etc.): 2-4 times per person per year for employees in China, up to 3 times per person per year for employees on overseas assignments, including 1 family visit
1. 政策补贴: 人才补贴:人才补贴1-8万元、50-60%工科人才薪酬补助(按各地方政府实际政策享受)。 Subsidies: Talent allowance RMB 10-80k, Subsidy for engineering talents (Subject to the policies of local governments). 2. 基础保障: 五险一金、健康体检:一年一次 Social Security and Housing Fund, Health Check-ups: 1 time per year 3. 员工激励(Employee Incentive Programs): 骨干人员持股计划/股权激励 Key Personnel Shareholder Plan / Stock Incentives 学历资助:员工进入紫金满三年有机会获得学历资助继续深造 Education Support - Employees with over three years of service are eligible for education support 骨干人员无业亲属补贴 Subsidy for unemployed relatives of key personnel 4. 休假报支(Vacation Reimbursement): 法定节假日、带薪年假 Statutory Holiday,Paid Annual Leave 探亲往返路费报销(包含机票、高铁等):国内每年2-4次/人,海外派遣每年最多3次/人,其中包含1次家属反探亲 Reimbursement of round-trip travel expenses for family visits (including airfare, high-speed rail, etc.): 2-4 times per person per year for employees in China, up to 3 times per person per year for employees on overseas assignments, including 1 family visit
1. 政策补贴: 人才补贴:人才补贴1-8万元、50-60%工科人才薪酬补助(按各地方政府实际政策享受)。 Subsidies: Talent allowance RMB 10-80k, Subsidy for engineering talents (Subject to the policies of local governments). 2. 基础保障: 五险一金、健康体检:一年一次 Social Security and Housing Fund, Health Check-ups: 1 time per year 3. 员工激励(Employee Incentive Programs): 骨干人员持股计划/股权激励 Key Personnel Shareholder Plan / Stock Incentives 学历资助:员工进入紫金满三年有机会获得学历资助继续深造 Education Support - Employees with over three years of service are eligible for education support 骨干人员无业亲属补贴 Subsidy for unemployed relatives of key personnel 4. 休假报支(Vacation Reimbursement): 法定节假日、带薪年假 Statutory Holiday,Paid Annual Leave 探亲往返路费报销(包含机票、高铁等):国内每年2-4次/人,海外派遣每年最多3次/人,其中包含1次家属反探亲 Reimbursement of round-trip travel expenses for family visits (including airfare, high-speed rail, etc.): 2-4 times per person per year for employees in China, up to 3 times per person per year for employees on overseas assignments, including 1 family visit
1. 政策补贴: 人才补贴:人才补贴1-8万元、50-60%工科人才薪酬补助(按各地方政府实际政策享受)。 Subsidies: Talent allowance RMB 10-80k, Subsidy for engineering talents (Subject to the policies of local governments). 2. 基础保障: 五险一金、健康体检:一年一次 Social Security and Housing Fund, Health Check-ups: 1 time per year 3. 员工激励(Employee Incentive Programs): 骨干人员持股计划/股权激励 Key Personnel Shareholder Plan / Stock Incentives 学历资助:员工进入紫金满三年有机会获得学历资助继续深造 Education Support - Employees with over three years of service are eligible for education support 骨干人员无业亲属补贴 Subsidy for unemployed relatives of key personnel 4. 休假报支(Vacation Reimbursement): 法定节假日、带薪年假 Statutory Holiday,Paid Annual Leave 探亲往返路费报销(包含机票、高铁等):国内每年2-4次/人,海外派遣每年最多3次/人,其中包含1次家属反探亲 Reimbursement of round-trip travel expenses for family visits (including airfare, high-speed rail, etc.): 2-4 times per person per year for employees in China, up to 3 times per person per year for employees on overseas assignments, including 1 family visit
1. 政策补贴: 人才补贴:人才补贴1-8万元、50-60%工科人才薪酬补助(按各地方政府实际政策享受)。 Subsidies: Talent allowance RMB 10-80k, Subsidy for engineering talents (Subject to the policies of local governments). 2. 基础保障: 五险一金、健康体检:一年一次 Social Security and Housing Fund, Health Check-ups: 1 time per year 3. 员工激励(Employee Incentive Programs): 骨干人员持股计划/股权激励 Key Personnel Shareholder Plan / Stock Incentives 学历资助:员工进入紫金满三年有机会获得学历资助继续深造 Education Support - Employees with over three years of service are eligible for education support 骨干人员无业亲属补贴 Subsidy for unemployed relatives of key personnel 4. 休假报支(Vacation Reimbursement): 法定节假日、带薪年假 Statutory Holiday,Paid Annual Leave 探亲往返路费报销(包含机票、高铁等):国内每年2-4次/人,海外派遣每年最多3次/人,其中包含1次家属反探亲 Reimbursement of round-trip travel expenses for family visits (including airfare, high-speed rail, etc.): 2-4 times per person per year for employees in China, up to 3 times per person per year for employees on overseas assignments, including 1 family visit
1. 政策补贴: 人才补贴:人才补贴1-8万元、50-60%工科人才薪酬补助(按各地方政府实际政策享受)。 Subsidies: Talent allowance RMB 10-80k, Subsidy for engineering talents (Subject to the policies of local governments). 2. 基础保障: 五险一金、健康体检:一年一次 Social Security and Housing Fund, Health Check-ups: 1 time per year 3. 员工激励(Employee Incentive Programs): 骨干人员持股计划/股权激励 Key Personnel Shareholder Plan / Stock Incentives 学历资助:员工进入紫金满三年有机会获得学历资助继续深造 Education Support - Employees with over three years of service are eligible for education support 骨干人员无业亲属补贴 Subsidy for unemployed relatives of key personnel 4. 休假报支(Vacation Reimbursement): 法定节假日、带薪年假 Statutory Holiday,Paid Annual Leave 探亲往返路费报销(包含机票、高铁等):国内每年2-4次/人,海外派遣每年最多3次/人,其中包含1次家属反探亲 Reimbursement of round-trip travel expenses for family visits (including airfare, high-speed rail, etc.): 2-4 times per person per year for employees in China, up to 3 times per person per year for employees on overseas assignments, including 1 family visit
1. 政策补贴: 人才补贴:人才补贴1-8万元、50-60%工科人才薪酬补助(按各地方政府实际政策享受)。 Subsidies: Talent allowance RMB 10-80k, Subsidy for engineering talents (Subject to the policies of local governments). 2. 基础保障: 五险一金、健康体检:一年一次 Social Security and Housing Fund, Health Check-ups: 1 time per year 3. 员工激励(Employee Incentive Programs): 骨干人员持股计划/股权激励 Key Personnel Shareholder Plan / Stock Incentives 学历资助:员工进入紫金满三年有机会获得学历资助继续深造 Education Support - Employees with over three years of service are eligible for education support 骨干人员无业亲属补贴 Subsidy for unemployed relatives of key personnel 4. 休假报支(Vacation Reimbursement): 法定节假日、带薪年假 Statutory Holiday,Paid Annual Leave 探亲往返路费报销(包含机票、高铁等):国内每年2-4次/人,海外派遣每年最多3次/人,其中包含1次家属反探亲 Reimbursement of round-trip travel expenses for family visits (including airfare, high-speed rail, etc.): 2-4 times per person per year for employees in China, up to 3 times per person per year for employees on overseas assignments, including 1 family visit
岗位职责: 1.负责按照技术研发需求开展核心技术攻关和现场试验; 2.负责科研项目申请、执行和成果交付; 3.负责科研项目实施过程中的技术、安全、质量、进度、成本、验收等全过程管理工作; 4.负责配合开展成果转化; 5.负责配合完成岗位相关巡视、审计和检(督)查等工作材料; 6.完成上级领导交办的其他工作。 任职要求 熟练掌握flac 3d或udec等相关专业软件; 有高度的敬业精神和责任担当; 3.有较强组织、协调、沟通能力和团队合作精神; 4.有较强的文字材料组织编写能力、数据统计能力
岗位职责:1.充电模块硬件开发设计;2.研发无线充电,PCB电路,BOM表设计等; 岗位要求1.本科以上学历,会AD 等PCB layout原理图设计 ; 2. 精通数模电路,全桥逆变电路,会变压器,电感,负载电容计算, 3.熟悉串口,SPI,PWM等单片机硬件接口,
岗位职责:1、负责电动汽车充电桩、充电机、AGV(移动机器人充电机)销售工作; 2、依据公司的营销管理流程,开展日常营销工作,并按照要求填报信息报表; 3、通过展会等各位销售渠道寻找新的机会点,及时与客户沟通,解决客户需求,实现签单; 4、了解国家新能源政策及行业动向,能及时调整合作策略; 岗位要求: 1.本科及以上学历; 2.表达能力强,具有较强的沟通能力及交际技巧,具有亲和力; 3.具备一定的市场分析及判断能力,良好的客户服务意识,有责任心和团队精神; 5.有C2以上驾照,1年以上实际驾龄;